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Protect Yourself: Lyme Disease Testing and Treatment in Plantation, Florida

Discover comprehensive Lyme disease testing and treatment at Nava Health in Plantation, FL. Protect yourself from this growing local threat with advanced diagnostic tools and holistic care. Boost your immune system and reclaim your health today. Contact us to start your personalized wellness journey.

What is Lyme Disease?

Living in Plantation, Florida, with its beautiful parks and abundant greenery, comes with a hidden risk: Lyme disease. While traditionally associated with the Northeast, Lyme disease is on the rise in Florida, carried by black-legged ticks that thrive in our warm, humid climate.

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted through the bite of an infected black-legged tick. Early detection is crucial to prevent the bacteria from spreading and causing serious health problems.

Be Aware of the Signs:

Early Symptoms (30 days after a tick bite):

  • Rash (may appear as a bull’s-eye, but not always)
  • Fever and chills
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic Symptoms (if left untreated):
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Widespread pain
  • Memory problems (“brain fog”)
  • Neurological issues
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Mood swings
  • Digestive problems

Comprehensive Testing and Treatment at Nava

Nava Health has been providing  integrative health care and personalized wellness plans for clients since 2014. At our Health Center in Plantation, we understand the unique challenges of Lyme disease in Broward County. That’s why we offer advanced diagnostic tools:

  • Lyme and Co-Infection Panel: This goes beyond traditional testing, allowing for earlier detection and a faster path to recovery.
  • Unparalleled Accuracy: Our technology provides highly accurate results, ensuring a clear diagnosis.
  • Advanced Detection: We test for both antibodies and DNA, giving a comprehensive picture of Lyme and co-infections.

Healing from the Inside Out:

We don’t just diagnose Lyme disease; we treat it holistically. Our integrative approach combines:

  • Ozone & IV Therapies: Boost your immune system and fight infection with ozone therapy and vital nutrient infusions.
  • Acupuncture: Relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and strengthen your body’s defenses with acupuncture.
  • Functional Nutrition: Personalized diets address underlying imbalances and promote optimal gut health for complete healing.

Don’t let Lyme disease slow you down.

Contact your local Nava Health facility in Plantation today and take control of your health. Our office is just west of the Plantation Preserve Golf Course & Club and east of Pine Island Park.

294 S University Dr.
Plantation, FL 33324

(800) 762 -6282

Frequently Asked Questions

What are common symptoms of Lyme disease besides the bull’s-eye rash?

Besides the bull’s-eye rash, you might experience fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms can vary and affect different parts of your body, which can make diagnosis challenging. Some people may also have neurological issues like tingling or numbness, or heart problems such as palpitations. Because Lyme disease symptoms can resemble other conditions, it’s important to seek professional help for an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment.

What is the main treatment for Lyme disease?

The main treatment for Lyme disease is a course of antibiotics, usually doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial as they can help prevent more serious complications.

What is post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS)?

Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) occurs when you continue to experience symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and cognitive difficulties even after finishing antibiotic treatment. The exact cause isn’t fully understood, but it may be due to ongoing inflammation or an autoimmune response.

How is Nava’s approach different from traditional treatments for Lyme disease? 

At Nava Health, our approach to Lyme disease goes beyond conventional antibiotics to include alternative and integrative solutions. We focus on your overall health, addressing underlying issues and supporting natural healing through personalized care and expert guidance. Our specialists consider factors like nutrition, lifestyle, and stress management to create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your needs. By combining traditional and natural therapies, Nava Health aims to strengthen your body’s resilience and promote long-term wellness. 

Why is it important to personalize Lyme disease treatment?

Personalizing Lyme disease treatment is crucial because each person responds differently to treatments and the disease can affect individuals uniquely. Our tailored approach aims to meet your specific needs, improving your chances of recovery and overall well-being.