Treatments for Low Testosterone

Treatments for Low Testosterone
Medically Reviewed
November 4, 2019

According to the Cleveland Clinic, low testosterone affects almost 40% of males aged 45 years or older. Testosterone is a critical hormone for men, and low testosterone levels can lead to a variety of mental and physical problems. So, with that, we will show you some amazing Treatments for Low Testosterone!

Low Testosterone Symptoms

Testosterone affects men in ways they don’t even realize. Mood, bone development, muscle development and even ability to think clearly can be affected by this hormone. A man who is experiencing low testosterone levels may have a variety of symptoms.

  • Hot flashes. This symptom is famously associated with menopause, but can be caused by a dip in men’s testosterone as well.

  • Reduced sex drive. This reduction in sex drive is typically more obvious and glaring than the reduction that men experience through natural aging.

  • Erectile dysfunction. A man who experiences low testosterone may not be able to get or maintain an erection.

  • Fertility problems. Men with low testosterone may experience a reduction in semen production, and related fertility issues.

  • Shrinking of the testicles. The testicles may seem smaller and the scrotum may seem softer.

  • Decreased muscle mass. Loss of skeletal muscles mass throughout the body.

  • Weight gain. An increase of body weight particularly fat deposits.

  • Fatigue/low energy. Sudden or random prolonged tiredness.

  • Brain fog.  An abnormality in the regulation of the overall level of consciousness, less severe than delirium.

  • Memory issues. Reduction in the retention of information over time.

  • Sleep disorders. A change in the timing of sleep or other related patterns.

  • Chronic pain. Pain that lasts a long period of time typically more than 3 months..

  • Inflammation. A protective response involving immune cells, that is a result of harmful stimuli.

  • Anxiety/depression. Unpleasant state of inner emotion, accompanied by nervous behavior.

  • Mood swings. An extreme or rapid change in mood.

Low Testosterone Causes

Male Menopause (Also known as Andropause)

The jury is still out on whether male menopause truly exists. The reason is that men typically don’t go through a clearly defined period of hormonal change as women do. Not so say that changes don’t occur. The natural decline of testosterone with age is well documented – and typically occurs at around 1% per year after age 30. Interestingly, this decline doesn’t always produce symptoms that would prompt treatment. The term ‘male menopause’ however, was coined to refer to the period when symptoms do arise. What kind of symptoms are associated with male menopause?

Other Causes of Low Testosterone

To muddy the waters, a number of conditions can cause the above symptoms without low testosterone; thyroid issues, depression and medication side effects are just a few. On the other hand, conditions like sleep apnea can actually lead to low testosterone. In cases such as this, treating the underlying problem of male menopause may return testosterone levels to normal. If your doctor is able to eliminate these potential causes for your symptoms, you may be a candidate for natural testosterone replacement therapy.

Is Low Testosterone Dangerous?

While the symptoms of low testosterone can certainly be unpleasant, there are studies that have found that low testosterone can seriously impact your overall health.

For each measurable drop in testosterone levels in men, the chance of certain health risks and diseases increases. A critical study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2013 shows that for every 100 points that a man’s testosterone falls below 900, his risk for all diseases increases, including Alzheimer’s, prostate cancer, and osteoporosis. Once testosterone levels fall below 600, a man’s risk for all causes of death increases, including diabetes and coronary heart disease.

Testosterone and Dementia

Studies have shown that low testosterone levels are linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease or even age-related dementia. A 2004 study from Wayne State University found that every 50 percent increase in free testosterone in the bloodstream was associated with a 26 percent decrease in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

In a 2013 study from Australia’s Monash University, researchers found that among a group of healthy post-menopausal women, those who were treated with increased levels of testosterone performed better in brain function tests—thought to be one of the most effective ways of warding off dementia, as it helps strengthen connections between brain cells.

And a study from the University of Hong Kong found that of a sample of 153 older Chinese men followed for one year, those that were pre-identified as high risk for memory loss due to significantly lower testosterone levels were ultimately five times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as others.

Testosterone and Mental Health

When it comes to the mind, one study from the Center for Andrology at George Washington University showed that more than half of all men found to have testosterone levels even just slightly below optimal levels were also found to have depressive symptoms or overt depression. The same study also found these men reporting symptoms like erectile dysfunction, low libido, low energy, sleep disturbance, and diminished concentration—all symptoms that we already know are signs of low testosterone levels.

How To Increase Testosterone Naturally

Before doctors recommend hormone replacement therapy, they review the patient’s health history and perform an assessment of the patient’s lifestyle. Sometimes what causes low testosterone in men is linked to lifestyle factors, such as stress, lack of sleep and lack of exercise.

Doctors will typically recommend lifestyle changes before recommending a course of hormone replacement therapy. Changes include:

  • Incorporate exercise into daily routine.

  • Manage stress.

  • Take low testosterone supplements.

  • Eat nutrient-rich testosterone food, such as beef, oysters, eggs and tuna.

Some medications may cause a drop in testosterone levels, so sometimes doctors will change medications. Every patient is different, so the changes recommended by the doctor will vary.

Low Testosterone Treatments

If a patient is a good candidate, doctors may recommend hormone replacement treatment, which takes many forms. Patches and injections are common, but patients work with their doctors to find the best method of delivery for them.

Testosterone Patches

For example, skin patches, similar to the nicotine patch, can be placed on the body, release testosterone over time and then replaced every 24 hours.

Testosterone Cream

Topical cream is another option. This cream is applied to the skin and then covered with clothes. Testosterone can be absorbed through physical contact. Patients are advised to keep testosterone cream covered areas protected by clothing and wash hands after application, to prevent the spread of testosterone to other people.

Testosterone Pellets

A more recent and convenient option is testosterone pellet implants. Implants are inserted by your doctor into fatty tissue just below the skin. The release of testosterone is slow and sustained, with pellets lasting 4-6 months before needing replacement. Natural bioidentical options have the added benefits of being prescribed in personalized doses and are easily metabolized by the body.

How Long Will Treatment Take Before I Start Feeling Better?

Most low testosterone treatment options can take about a month or a month and a half to show positive results. Patients should work carefully with their medical professional to ensure that the treatment is working and is administered safely.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

The benefits of natural testosterone replacement therapy will vary from man to man. It almost goes without saying that increased sex-drive and improved erections are among the most notable benefits. Some will find that they become leaner as body fat melts away. Muscle mass and strength will also improve in most men. Energy levels, bone density and sleep quality may also return to their former glory. Feelings of depression as well as brain fog and motivation improve as well.

Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy

While some doctors will prescribe synthetic testosterone, there is a growing trend to use bioidentical hormones, which mimic the natural testosterone produced by your body much more closely than a synthetic hormone.

Compared to synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones were safer in regard to heart, bone, and brain health.  (January 2009 study published in the Postgraduate Medical Journal).

Testosterone Therapy Side Effects

Although using bioidentical testosterone may reduce side effects, any therapy is likely to encounter some side effects, especially at the beginning of treatment.

  • Minor side effects may include fluid retention and breast enlargement.

  • Testosterone may decrease the sperm count in some men.

  • Testosterone may also increase your estrogen level.

With monitoring by a hormone replacement doctor, most side effects should resolve as the right dosage for your body is dialed in over the first months of your treatment.

Noticing Symptoms?

If you have noticed these symptoms yourself, help is available. Contact Nava Health and Vitality Center for an appointment. We can discuss low testosterone treatment costs, side effects and other factors to be considered. It’s easy to get Treatments for Low Testosterone, just schedule an appointment today!

We provide hormone therapy in the DC, MD, and VA area as well as the entire US through telemedicine.
