Feeling Your Age? Regain Vitality with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Plantation, FL

Do you experience symptoms like low energy, brain fog, trouble sleeping, or weight gain? These could be signs of hormone imbalance. At Nava Health in Plantation, Florida, a leading provider of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) in Plantation, Florida, we help you regain your vitality and feel your best.

Benefits of BHRT at Nava Health:

Target the Root Cause: We take an integrative medicine approach, considering diet, stress, and thyroid function, to create a personalized BHRT plan.

The Nava Method: Our proprietary method uses advanced diagnostics and personalized assessments for optimal hormone balance.

Experienced Practitioners: Our Nava Health team has over ten years of BHRT expertise.

Symptoms in Women

  • Low Energy
  • Brain Fog/Memory Issues
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Mood Swings
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Hot Flashes
  • Muscle Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Osteoporosis

Symptoms in Men

  • Brain Fog/Memory Issues
  • Muscle Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Low Energy
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Erectile Dysfunction

Frequently Asked Questions

Are bioidentical hormones natural?

Yes, although bioidentical hormones are created in a lab, they are chemically identical to the hormones produced by the human body. They are often derived from plant sources such as yams and soybeans, which helps promote a natural compatibility with the body.

Can BHRT be combined with hormone supplements?

Absolutely. BHRT can be effectively combined with hormone supplements to target specific deficiencies and enhance overall hormonal balance. Be sure to speak with your doctor before starting anything new or with hormone replacement therapy specialists, such as those at our center.

How are BHRT hormones delivered?

BHRT hormones are available in a variety of forms, including subdermal pellets, topical creams, injections, oral pills, , . This diverse range of delivery methods allows for personalized treatment tailored to individual preferences and medical needs. It also means clients can choose the option that best fits their lifestyle and helps maintain consistent hormone levels.

How do I know if BHRT is right for me?

Determining if BHRT is suitable involves consulting with a Nava Health expert who can evaluate your symptoms, perform thorough hormone level tests, and review your medical history to recommend a customized treatment plan.

How long does it take to see results from BHRT?

Results from BHRT can vary; some clients report initial improvements within a few weeks, while it may take three to six months to fully realize the benefits, depending on individual health factors and hormone levels.

What are the benefits of BHRT?

BHRT is highly effective at managing a range of symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, significantly improving quality of life:

  • Mood instability: Helps stabilize mood swings associated with hormonal fluctuations
  • Sleep disturbances: Aids in restoring regular sleep patterns and improving sleep quality
  • Weight fluctuations: Assists in managing weight by balancing hormones that affect metabolism and appetite
  • Reduced libido: Can enhance sexual desire and function by modifying hormonal deficits
  • Energy levels: Often increases overall energy by optimizing hormone levels
  • Mental clarity: Can improve focus and cognitive function as hormones become balanced

These benefits can collectively enhance overall health and well-being, making BHRT a valuable solution for those experiencing hormone-related issues.

What happens when starting BHRT?

The process typically starts with an in-depth consultation where a physician or similar healthcare professional goes over your symptoms, health history, and potential treatment goals. This is followed by a comprehensive physical exam as well as specific lab tests designed to measure your current hormone levels and establish a baseline for treatment adjustments.

As your body begins to adjust to the new hormone levels, you may experience some temporary side effects. Common initial reactions include bloating, minor skin irritations, or changes in mood, which usually resolve as your body adjusts to the treatment.

Why do people use bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones can be used to manage and treat symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances, such as those experienced during menopause or andropause. They are also used to enhance overall well-being by restoring hormonal balance to the body.

About Us

Established in 2014, we here at Nava Health are dedicated to transforming healthcare by integrating the best of conventional and alternative therapies. Inspired by our founder’s personal health journey, we deliver a holistic approach, creating tailored wellness plans for each client that focus on prevention, restoration, and optimal health. Our commitment is to deliver a comprehensive, individualized health experience that supports lifelong well-being. Discover more about our company, our values, and the comprehensive services we offer by visiting Our Story.

Embark on a path to better health and wellness with Nava Health. Connect with us today to explore how our approach to personalized care can elevate your quality of life!

Ready to Take Charge of Your Health?

Schedule a free phone consultation today and discuss if BHRT in Plantation, FL is right for you.
Our local center is just east of Broward Mall and west of the Plantation Preserve Golf Course & Club.