Benefits of Testosterone Replacement – What You Need to Know

smiling man by river to illustrate benefits of testosterone replacement therapy TRT
Medically Reviewed
March 25, 2024

Did you know testosterone is a cornerstone in human biology, impacting numerous vital functions within your body? Despite being the primary male hormone, it’s also present in women but in smaller quantities. It’s crucial for overall health.

From muscle mass to bone density, mood, erectile dysfunction, and low libido – they all may correlate with testosterone. However, as you age, testosterone levels drop, leading to low testosterone symptoms like fatigue, reduced sex drive, and cognitive issues. So, does that mean you should accept this as part of growing old?

Certainly not, as you can count on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as a viable and efficient solution to restore hormonal balance and enhance overall wellbeing.

So, are you ready to uncover all the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy for optimal health?

Then, keep reading as we explore the importance of testosterone in your body, the factors contributing to testosterone deficiency, and why testosterone therapy could be a beneficial option to restore your energy and vitality.

What is Testosterone, and Why Is It Important for Health?

Causes of Low Testosterone

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

What Are the Benefits of TRT?

Getting Started With TRT

Who Should Consider TRT?

Consultation, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning

Monitoring and Managing Testosterone Replacement Therapy


Fit man in gym to illustrate the importance of testosterone

What Is Testosterone, and Why Is It Important for Health?

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, mostly produced in the testicles in men and vital for sexual function. It’s also produced in smaller quantities in women’s ovaries and adrenal glands, playing a crucial role in various bodily functions, including the following:

Development of Male Characteristics: During puberty, men reach their peak of testosterone production. It’s responsible for developing male physical characteristics such as deepening of the voice, facial and body hair growth, and increased muscle mass and bone density.

Regulation of Libido and Sexual Function: As the primary male sex hormone, testosterone directly impacts libido. This means optimal hormone levels are crucial for maintaining a healthy sex drive.

Muscle Mass and Strength: Testosterone helps regulate muscle protein synthesis, essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength. It also contributes to the growth and repair of muscle tissue.

Bone Health: Testosterone plays a crucial role in maintaining bone density. As a result, low testosterone levels are associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures, particularly in older men.

Regulation of Mood and Energy Levels: Testosterone influences mood and energy levels, so low levels can lead to fatigue, irritability, and depression.

Cognitive Function: Some research suggests that testosterone may play a role in cognitive function, including memory and spatial abilities, so restoring your testosterone levels may support your overall cognitive health.

Red Blood Cell Production: Testosterone stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. This helps transport oxygen throughout your body, so having adequate testosterone levels helps to prevent anemia and maintain cardiovascular health.

Now that you know how essential this hormone is for your body’s development, maintenance, and functioning, let’s explore why its production declines. Then we’ll dive deep into TRT to restore optimal testosterone levels.

young overweight to illustrate causes of low testosterone

Causes of Low Testosterone

Aging is the most common contributor to testosterone decline, as its production naturally decreases over the years. For example, on average, men typically lose 1% of testosterone levels every year from the age of 30, and this decrease continues gradually throughout adulthood, reducing bone mineral density and causing other symptoms such as lower sperm production that we’ll look at below.

However, in addition to age-related low testosterone, several other factors may contribute to low testosterone levels (low T). Here are the most common ones:

Medical Conditions

Certain health issues can affect testosterone production. These include conditions affecting the testicles (such as primary hypogonadism), the pituitary gland or hypothalamus (which regulates hormone production), obesity, diabetes, chronic liver or kidney disease, and hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism.


Some medications can also interfere with testosterone production or lower your testosterone levels as a side effect. These may include corticosteroids, opioids, chemotherapy drugs, and specific hormone therapies, such as those used for prostate cancer treatment.

Lifestyle Factors

All  of the following can disrupt your testosterone production:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Drug use (especially anabolic steroids)
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Lack of exercise or physical activity
  • Chronic stress
  • Inadequate sleep


Obesity is strongly associated with lower testosterone levels, as excess body fat can increase estrogen production, a hormone that opposes testosterone. Additionally, obesity is linked to insulin resistance and inflammation, which can further impair your testosterone production.

Chronic Illness or Stress

Chronic illness or ongoing stress can disrupt your body’s hormonal balance, including testosterone production. Conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and prolonged stress can lead to decreased testosterone levels over time.

These are the most common reasons your testosterone levels may be low, but a decrease in testosterone production can have several underlying causes.

For this reason, it’s essential to undergo a thorough medical evaluation and testing to investigate and determine the specific reason for your low testosterone levels. Only after uncovering the root causes will your doctor be able to provide the proper treatment for you.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Because testosterone is connected to so many different functions in your body, an imbalance is likely to take a toll on your health, and you’ll probably feel one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Low sex drive
  • Decreased sperm production
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Fatigue and decreased energy
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength
  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased bone density
  • Mood changes
  • Cognitive decline and brain fog

It’s important to note that many symptoms of low testosterone can overlap with other health conditions and significantly impact your quality of life. But you don’t need to settle for that. There’s hope available with testosterone replacement therapy – often referred to as TRT.

Let’s look into that now.

Man injecting himself to illustrate TRT

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

Testosterone replacement therapy is invaluable for restoring vitality, reclaiming your energy levels, and rediscovering a zest for life.

Testosterone therapy is a well-researched medical treatment designed to supplement or replace your body’s hormones to reach normal testosterone levels. It’s primarily used to treat men with hypogonadism – a condition in which your gonads (reproductive organs responsible for producing sex hormones) are dysfunctional, leading to low levels of testosterone.

In other words, if you have hypogonadism, it means your testicles no longer produce the proper levels of testosterone for optimal health. But you can treat this condition and age-related low testosterone with testosterone therapy.

TRT involves the administration of testosterone in your body through different methods. It aims to restore optimal levels to alleviate symptoms of low testosterone and improve your overall wellbeing.

There are several methods of administering testosterone replacement therapy, including:

  • Injections
  • Topical gels or creams
  • Transdermal patches
  • Buccal tablets
  • Implants

The choice of the best testosterone replacement therapy method depends on your preference, convenience, cost, and healthcare provider recommendations.

Talk to your doctor about your options and only start treatment after a thorough evaluation – including blood tests – to confirm low testosterone levels and rule out other underlying medical conditions.

In addition, you should always have regular monitoring of testosterone levels and ongoing evaluation by a healthcare provider to ensure safe and effective treatment with testosterone therapy.

Muscular young man to illustrate benefits of testosterone replacement therapy TRT

What Are the Benefits of TRT?

Once you have a diagnosis of low testosterone, the benefits of TRT to treat your condition are comprehensive and include physical, psychological, and emotional improvements in your overall health. Some key benefits include:

Improved Libido: Testosterone therapy can help restore sex drive to normal levels, so testosterone replacement leads to an improved quality of life and sexual satisfaction.

Enhanced Erectile Function: Testosterone treatment can help improve erectile function and may be an effective treatment for achieving and maintaining erections in men with low testosterone. Testosterone replacement therefore reinvigorates your sexual life.

Increased Muscle Mass: Testosterone therapy can help increase muscle mass and strength, which allows you to build and maintain muscle through exercise and physical activity.

Improved Bone Mineral Density: Testosterone treatment can help increase bone mineral density. This reduces the risk of fractures or the development of bone issues like osteoporosis that can occur without testosterone replacement.

Increased Energy and Vitality: Testosterone therapy can help boost energy levels and overall vitality. This will improve your readiness to engage in daily activities and maintain an active lifestyle!

Enhanced Mood and Wellbeing: Testosterone treatment can help improve mood and overall wellbeing, leading to a more positive outlook on life.

Reduced Fatigue and Improved Sleep: Low testosterone levels can contribute to fatigue. Testosterone therapy can help reduce fatigue and improve sleep quality, leading to increased energy levels and overall wellbeing.

Fat Reduction: Testosterone plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, so testosterone therapy can help increase lean muscle mass and decrease fat. In turn, this improves your body composition. The shift towards a higher muscle-to-fat ratio may reduce overall fat, particularly in your abdominal area.

Improvement in Insulin Sensitivity: Testosterone therapy may help improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. This potentially reduces the risk of diabetes and improves overall metabolic health.

Now that you have discovered all the life-changing health benefits of testosterone treatment let’s explore how to get started and some factors to consider when choosing TRT.

Getting Started With TRT

Overall, getting started with testosterone replacement therapy involves a thorough consultation, diagnosis, and treatment planning process with a healthcare provider. They will also arrange regular monitoring and management to ensure the safe and effective use of testosterone therapy.

It’s essential to work closely with your healthcare provider throughout the TRT treatment to achieve the best possible outcomes.

man consulting with his doctor about who should consider testosterone replacement

Who Should Consider TRT?

You should consider testosterone replacement therapy and also consult with your doctor about TRT if you:

  • Have clinically low testosterone levels (hypogonadism).
  • Experience one or more of the symptoms described above that are related to low testosterone, including age-related low testosterone.

Additionally, TRT may be appropriate for individuals with certain medical conditions or circumstances that result in low testosterone levels. For example, if you have

  • primary or secondary hypogonadism,
  • testicular injury or surgery,
  • pituitary disorders, or
  • certain medications that interfere with testosterone production.

Illustrating the process of receiving testosterone therapy

Consultation, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning

The first step in starting TRT is to do an online search for “a testosterone doctor near me.” Then, you should schedule a consultation about testosterone treatment possibilities to review your medical history, discuss your symptoms, and perform a physical examination.

If your healthcare provider suspects low testosterone based on your symptoms and medical history, they will likely order blood tests to measure your testosterone level. Blood tests typically include tests for other hormone levels.

If the blood tests confirm low testosterone levels, your healthcare provider will diagnose hypogonadism. They will then determine whether testosterone replacement therapy is appropriate.

If TRT is recommended, the healthcare provider will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan for your testosterone therapy.

This may include discussing the different methods of administering testosterone therapy. You can then select the most suitable option based on your preferences and lifestyle. You should also discuss the potential risks and benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.

Monitoring and Managing Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Follow-ups and Adjustments

After starting testosterone therapy, regular follow-up visits with your healthcare provider are essential. They serve to monitor your progress, assess the effectiveness of treatment, and make any necessary adjustments.

Follow-up visits may include blood tests to monitor hormone levels again, evaluations of symptoms, and discussions about any concerns or side effects.

Based on the results of follow-up visits and blood tests, your doctor may need to adjust your TRT dosage or treatment. This will optimize your testosterone level and minimize side effects.

Ready to reclaim vitality with testosterone replacement therapy? Explore Nava’s hormone treatment solutions.

Successful sportsman to illustrate successful testosterone replacement therapy

Experience the Benefits of Testosterone with Nava Health

Don’t let low testosterone disrupt your quality of life. Instead of just searching for “testosterone therapy near me,” consider contacting Nava today to get more information. Discover how Nava Health can help you restore hormonal balance with the best testosterone replacement therapy. You’ll unlock a new level of wellbeing with our customized testosterone therapy.

However, before we assume testosterone therapy is right for you, Nava works to an integrative, functional medicine approach. This means we first assess and address any underlying causes contributing to your low testosterone level. Our hormone replacement therapy experts will then work with you to personalize a testosterone therapy treatment plan.

Schedule your consultation today to learn more about testosterone therapy and the benefits of TRT.

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A Medical Director, and one of the first physicians to join the Nava Health & Vitality Center, Dr. Douglas Lord has made significant contributions to our Center and its founding principles. Dr. Lord has helped develop and implement the Nava Method™—Nava’s proprietary approach to total body wellness. He has also been instrumental in liaising with other expert practitioners to successfully implement Nava’s range of therapies, treatments, and products.

Article Name
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement – What You Need to Know
Testosterone replacement has benefits. Learn about symptoms of low testosterone and everything about TRT for your health.