“Losing weight” was last year’s #1 top ranked New Year’s Resolution for the majority of Americans and one in four are “very likely” to work on completely overhauling their diet after New Year’s Day. However, despite their good intentions, a quarter of people who make a resolution don’t end up realizing it even though almost half of all Americans make one. So what’s the key to weight loss success? Well, today we will show you them by talking about the 5 Keys To Losing Weight.
It’s not just about healthy holiday recipes and trying to lose a few pounds come January anymore. More and more people are looking for ways to stay well with lifestyle changes they can carry with them throughout the year.
Here are my top five ways you can increase their chances of weight loss success this year:
1. Keep hunger at bay.
It’s hard to stick to any new food plan if you’re hungry for most of the day. You can keep hunger to a minimum by loading up on proteins and greens, so try to have both with every meal. A green protein smoothie or eggs with kale for breakfast, a big salad with vegetables and lean protein for lunch, an apple and raw nuts for a snack, and another large salad with more vegetables and lean protein for dinner is the perfect combination to ward off hunger.
2. Plan for cravings.
No matter what you do, occasional cravings are sure to hit anyway. When you make drastic changes to your diet, a detox process might occur within the body which can lead to intense cravings for the sugars and fats that you’re no longer eating. Plan out a strategy of what to do when cravings hit that will serve as a safety net. That means keeping healthy snacks with you everywhere and knowing what foods to eat specifically when a sugar or salt craving hits. And back-ups that feel like comfort foods, like gluten- and sugar-free cookies or mashed potatoes made with coconut milk and sea salt, can appease cravings while helping people stay on track.
3. Track your blood sugar level.
Taking care of low blood sugar may be the biggest way to ensure you are protected throughout the day. Eating the wrong foods first thing in the morning can affect blood sugar levels all day, leading to afternoon cravings and foggy thinking. Have an extra scoop of protein powder within 30 minutes of waking up each morning to protect against unsteady blood sugar levels later.
4. Stay hydrated.
When changing diet, detox symptoms such as a headache or cravings are bound to pop up. Dehydration can also be commonly be mistaken for hunger or sweet cravings. You can lessen the impact of detox symptoms by staying hydrated and flushing their body’s systems. A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight and divide it by two, setting that amount as a goal for ounces of water to drink each day.
5. Keep your food simple.
The more salt you have in your diet, the more you crave it. The same goes for sugar. For long-term success, you should keep food as simple as they can. Steam vegetables and brown rice, salads with lean proteins, fresh fruit—train the body and taste buds to be content and satisfied with simplicity. Individuals who try to use complex recipes and assume they will always have time to prepare food will likely fail. East, fast and simple meals can make long-term success manageable.
Contact Nava Center today for more help.