When you’ve been eating well, moving your body frequently, and focusing on getting a good night’s sleep and decreasing stress, weight loss usually follows. But sometimes, shaking those stubborn pockets of body fat is slow and discouraging. Maybe it’s around your stomach, or your upper arms, or your inner thighs. Our bodies often hold onto the fat in those areas even as the rest of us shrinks.
What Options Are Out There That Actually Work?
This is where CoolSculpting® can be a huge breakthrough for your body. It’s the only FDA-approved procedure that uses cryolipolysis – freezing your fat cells – to reduce body fat in a targeted area.
Cryolipolysis is a well-studied procedure proven to kill just the fat cells in the targeted area while leaving the other tissues unharmed and healthy. That means you can decrease body fat in a specific area without damaging your muscles or skin along the way – and without having to undergo the discomfort and risk of surgery.
If you’re considering CoolSculpting®, here’s what you need to know:
- It’s not surgery – in fact, there’s no downtime required at all. You can resume work and your normal activities right away.
- It’s not painful – it might be a bit uncomfortable at the beginning of the procedure as you feel pressure and a bit of intense cold, but the feeling gets better fast. Actually, many of our clients take a nap or read a book while they get their treatment!
- It’s proven, and it’s permanent – CoolSculpting® has been FDA-approved since 2010. And the frozen fat cells, once they’re processed in the weeks and months after your treatment, they’re gone for good.
CoolSculpting® Can Help You Reshape Areas with Stubborn Body Fat
CoolSculpting® can help reshape your love, handles, thighs, chin, and more. It’s not a solution for whole-body weight loss – it’s a way to shake those areas that won’t slim down no matter how much you diet or exercise. Our bodies are often genetically prone to hang onto weight in certain areas. And aging also naturally adds body fat to areas like the stomach. But you don’t need to undergo painful surgery, or live with your changing looks, anymore.
Just think – in a few months, you could be confidently squeezing back into those old clothes without the reminder of your problem areas. CoolSculpting® typically requires a few sessions to see optimal results, so don’t wait too long to start treatment if you’re looking to get that slimmer, toned look by the summer. Need more inspiration? Check out all the details and some incredible before-and-after pictures on our CoolSculpting® page.
If you’re interested in learning more about CoolSculpting®, talk to one of our CoolSculpting® experts. They can help create a custom treatment plan that’s tailored to your body and your goals. Get in contact today to find out what we can do for you!