How to Eat Healthy at Restaurants
I can’t be the only one to have walked out of a restaurant 5 pounds heavier. Food served at a restaurant is made to have you come back. It’s loaded with salt, sugar and refined products made to entice you to eat more. With that, today we will be looking at How to Eat Healthy at Restaurants.
Restaurants are in business to make money, not induce wellness, more power to them. But, if you have a life that causes you to frequent these places, please don’t put your health in their hands. Take control, get educated and make good choices.
Here is a list of things you can do to avoid the usual pit falls that come with restaurant dining.
1. Never Go Hungry
What? Isn’t that what you are supposed to do? No! Consider taking care of yourself at home, before you go and use the restaurant as a “top off” to your meal. If you go to a restaurant already hungry, you are setting yourself up for utter failure.
2. Order Soup or Salad Right Away
Don’t wait for your hunger or cravings to set it. Order a soup or salad and pick away at that rather then the breadbasket.
3. Prepare To Succeed (Or You’re Preparing To Fail)
I know this might sound high maintenance, but call the restaurant ahead of time or look at their menu on line. Ask all your high maintenance questions beforehand…does the soup have dairy, can the salad be made without the bacon bits, can you do steamed veggies? Decide what you are going to eat before you go.
4. Get Bottled Water
I know, you don’t want to shell out the money on water, but won’t think twice about a glass of wine, soda or coffee. SPEND THE MONEY. Rather than drink questionable water, get yourself a gorgeous, refreshing bottle of water. You are worth it. You will feel glamorous drinking it!
5. Bring Digestive Enzymes
I have a little case in my purse. Before eating, pop a few enzymes to help with better digestion. I prefer Nava’s Ultra Veggie Enzymes. They work so well and I have found them to have helped flatten my stomach.
6. Only The Best Company
While this might be nearly impossible, just consider only going with people that make you happy. If you are sitting across from someone who stressed you out, imagine how quickly and easy it would be to go through the bread bowl. If you must get together with energy vampires, try to meet them in a “food free” environment. (Walking in a park, going for tea, shopping for holiday presents…)
7. Make Friends With Your Waiter
Be super kind to them and refer to them by name. When asking questions such as “can the salad be made without cheese?” have a great attitude and sense of humor about it rather then acting high maintenance and entitled. This attitude will get you far.
8. If Unprepared, Take Your Time
Let’s say you get to the restaurant unprepared, take a few easy steps to figure out what to eat. Peruse the menu. Find the cleanest protein you can (beans without cream, chicken that isn’t fried, fish that is grilled) now look at the sides on all the dishes… is there a “clean” vegetable? If so, order that. Then pair it with a salad (dressing on side – with oil and vinegar) or salad (gluten and dairy free) you got a great meal!!
9. Sit Back & Enjoy
There is something to be said about prepping what you can and then just blessing your food. Eating and worrying is not how you want to go through a meal.
Patience, love and acceptance are the key to healing yourself. Contact us today
A Medical Director, and one of the first physicians to join the Nava Health & Vitality Center, Dr. Douglas Lord has made significant contributions to our Center and its founding principles. Dr. Lord has helped develop and implement the Nava Method™—Nava’s proprietary approach to total body wellness. He has also been instrumental in liaising with other expert practitioners to successfully implement Nava’s range of therapies, treatments, and products.