How to Manage Menopause Fatigue

mature woman laughing to illustrate managing menopause fatigue
Medically Reviewed
December 18, 2023

One specific symptom seems to be common to most women going through the menopausal milestone: fatigue. So, let’s put aside hot flashes, insomnia, and low libido for the moment and talk about how to manage menopause fatigue.

Do you often wonder how you’ll make it to the end of the day while feeling so tired? Longing for a nap at your office desk every hour or so? Or even worse, waking up tired and with absolutely no energy to start the day?

We feel you. Crashing fatigue is often a symptom of menopause.

In fact, fatigue is the most common symptom among premenopausal and menopausal women, but why is that? Why is it so challenging to feel rested and vibrant during this life stage?

Today, we’ll discuss this and, most importantly, several ways to overcome menopause fatigue, boost energy levels, and recover your zest for life.

Reasons for Fatigue in Females During Menopause

The short answer is – hormones! If you want to manage menopause fatigue, you have to first look at the role of hormones.

Starting in perimenopause, the years before you reach “menopause day” – which is one complete year without menstruating – your body decreases (or sometimes interrupts) the production of some hormones essential to your fertility, wellbeing, and overall health.

The thing is, those hormones are connected to many other body functions, including regulating your body temperature or releasing neurotransmitters that make you feel calm and positive. When these systems falter, you get, for example, night sweats that disrupt sleep, or become anxious and irritable.

And, of course, poor sleep, insomnia, and changeable moods contribute to daytime fatigue. So, the short answer is still hormones,

To get a better picture of what helps with fatigue during menopause, let’s look first at what these  fluctuating hormones do to your body.

Hormonal Changes Making it Difficult to Manage Menopause Fatigue


Among all the other functions of estrogen during your reproductive years, it also regulates your body’s temperature, as we indicated. Any change in estrogen production can trigger an overreaction, promoting heat dissipation – or the infamous hot flashes and night sweats that tire you out during the day.


Among its other roles, progesterone stabilizes your blood sugar levels and promotes restful and good-quality sleep. As its production decreases, varying blood sugar levels can make you more anxious, moody, tired, and irritable.


While often associated with male hormones, women also have testosterone but in smaller amounts. As your body decreases testosterone production, the first symptoms you will likely feel are reduced libido and energy levels, contributing to your fatigue.

No wonder you’re feeling so tired with this hormonal rollercoaster inside your body. It’s challenging to feel active and full of energy after sleepless nights, mood swings, and anxiety. But it’s important to note that fatigue is not an exclusive symptom of menopause.

So, if you’re really feeling drained, it’s essential to consult with a integrative healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions and to explore lifestyle changes, hormone therapy, or other interventions that may help alleviate your symptoms.

Now that you know the reasons for fatigue, let’s get to what matters: How to manage menopause fatigue and understand what helps with fatigue during menopause years and thus will increase your energy levels.

Manage Menopause Fatigue with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Our number one consideration at Nava Health is re-balancing your hormones. This is important because imbalanced hormones may be the cause of your fatigue.

Discuss your options with your healthcare provider. They will assess the levels of hormones in your body and work out what will help you manage menopause fatigue best.

If you go ahead with BHRT, they’ll also monitor your BHRT regimen.

However, an integrative and functional approach to your health means looking at all other aspects of your lifestyle to find out what will best help you achieve your goals. So let’s look at some wider ideas on how to manage fatigue and increase your energy levels during menopause.

Other Tips on How to Overcome Menopause Fatigue

Managing menopausal fatigue involves a combination of personalized lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and self-care practices.

A functional practitioner specializing in menopause can provide an individual health plan to help you cope with fatigue and other uncomfortable symptoms, based on a thorough assessment of your health and underlying causes.

Although we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions, some practical tips generally help boost energy levels and help manage menopausal fatigue, including the following:

Manage Menopause Fatigue with…

Regular Exercise

We know it’s challenging to think about sports when you’re feeling so tired. But believe us – engaging in regular physical activity not only boosts energy levels but promotes restful sleep.

Balanced Diet

Try to consume a well-balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, and ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamin D.

Limit Caffeine, Sugar, and Alcohol

While these may provide a temporary energy boost, they lead to energy crashes throughout the day!


Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can contribute to feelings of fatigue. Try having a bottle of water near you while working or doing other activities.

Manage Stress

Chronic stress exacerbates fatigue, so finding effective relaxation methods is crucial. This can include anything that relaxes you and makes you feel connected to the present instead of ruminating.

Adequate Sleep

Despite sleep disturbances, such as hot flashes or night sweats, try to keep to a regular sleep routine. Your body will respond to regular hours.

Breaks and Pacing

Break your tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and take breaks when needed. Pace yourself throughout the day to avoid overwhelming fatigue.

 Reclaim Your Energy and Manage Menopause Fatigue Today

A combination of BHRT and putting these tips into practice should help you manage menopause fatigue well.

At Nava Health, we understand the complex nature of fatigue during menopause and offer specialized assessments to uncover its root causes. Our Nava Method is an integrative approach focused on preventing, restoring, and optimizing your health and will help you live your life at 100%.

Call us today for a consultation!

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A Medical Director, and one of the first physicians to join the Nava Health & Vitality Center, Dr. Douglas Lord has made significant contributions to our Center and its founding principles. Dr. Lord has helped develop and implement the Nava Method™—Nava’s proprietary approach to total body wellness. He has also been instrumental in liaising with other expert practitioners to successfully implement Nava’s range of therapies, treatments, and products.

Article Name
How to Manage Menopause Fatigue
Understand the complex nature of menopause fatigue and learn how to manage it with BHRT and lifestyle tips to optimize your health.