NavaRX Medical Weight Loss Program – Is It For Me?

senior woman holding weight machine to illustrate NavaRX weight loss program
Medically Reviewed
December 19, 2022

It’s nearly that time of the year again – New Year’s resolutions! So, if you’re stuck on your “losing some weight” goals, we have good news. There’s an effective approach to accomplishing them: the NavaRX weight loss program.

However, gone are the days when one-size-fits-all diets were considered a good – or healthy – option for losing weight.

They may help you lose some extra pounds, but they’re inefficient in keeping them off. That’s because they don’t address the root cause of your extra, unwanted weight.

And that’s precisely how the NavaRX medical weight loss program differs from fad diets.

Your body is unique, and so are its needs. That’s why we offer a comprehensive, custom weight loss plan that considers your

  • medical history,
  • metabolism,
  • lifestyle,
  • genetics,
  • strengths,
  • weaknesses, and
  • gastrointestinal and adrenal systems…

…to identify and address what’s causing you to struggle with your weight.

In this article, we’ll break down the NavaRX medical weight loss program, so you can decide if this integrative and personalized weight loss approach is a good option for you in 2023.

What’s the NavaRX Weight Loss Program?

Our NavaRX custom weight loss plan is a medical weight loss program designed to help you achieve your healthy weight under the close supervision of a physician.

That means you’ll get all the benefits from a low-calorie diet and exercise, plus medications to address other health issues causing your weight gain.

You’ll find this is an efficient way to achieve your healthy weight because we include:

  • Medical supervision and follow-up during the entire program
  • Diagnosis of the root cause of weight gain or obesity
  • A customized weight loss program comprising: a balanced diet, exercises, lifestyle adjustments, weight loss supplements, and personalized integrative therapies, including IV micronutrient therapy, acupuncture, massage, and more.
  • A weekly injection of Semaglutide, also known as Ozempic.

How does this look in practice?

After analyzing your medical history and some exams to assess your needs, our board-certified nutritionist identifies the root causes of your weight issues and creates a personalized plan to meet your body’s unique nutritional needs.

This helps you lose weight quickly and safely while avoiding the yo-yo effect of Do-It-Yourself diets.

Our nutritionist will be with you during every step of your weight loss journey, providing nutrition counseling and teaching you how to make informed food choices, eat healthier, and cook meals that support your weight management.

Together, these aspects of the program give you the confidence to keep to your New Year’s resolution.

So let’s look now at the medication aspect: Semaglutide.

What Medication Does the NavaRX Plan Provide?

In addition to a personalized diet and an integrative treatment plan created just for you, the NavaRX medical weight loss program includes a weekly injection of Semaglutide (Ozempic).

This FDA-approved medication is a synthetic version of the incretin hormone (GLP-1), which you naturally produce in your digestive tract when you eat.

The hormone helps you feel full and satisfied after eating, while stabilizing blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin from your pancreas.

However, natural GLP-1 doesn’t last very long in the body. Semaglutide does. So one injection per week is enough to delay your digestive process, causing you to feel fuller longer, even after smaller amounts of food.

Stabilizing your blood sugar also means you have fewer cravings and consume fewer calories. Ultimately, this helps you lose weight and keep it off!

Identifying the Root Causes of Being Overweight

Unlike what most magazines and diet fads want you to believe, in most cases it takes more than willpower, exercise, supplements, and discipline to lose weight.

If you follow diets and regularly go to the gym but still struggle to lose weight, you know exactly what we’re talking about!

But chances are you’re not doing anything wrong. All it means is that nobody has yet found the underlying causes of your weight issue.

At Nava Health, we believe each body is unique, so a one-size-fits-all weight loss program will not work for your unique metabolism and body needs.

That’s why our NavaRX plan investigates medical disorders that could be contributing to your weight gain or obesity and provides weight loss that actually works.

For healthy weight loss, we have to start by finding out why you’re overweight in the first place. Reasons may be as diverse as:

1 Hormone imbalance weight gain

If your hormones are out of balance, your body doesn’t function at its best. The result is that you’ll also have a more challenging time managing your weight.

That’s because some hormones are essential to maintain blood pressure, balanced blood sugar levels, a strong immune system, and a regular metabolism – which directly influence your body weight.

So, if you have adrenal issues, thyroid diseases, diabetes, and other hormone-related conditions, your hormone imbalance is probably the main reason you can’t lose weight.

2 Menopause weight gain

That’s the type of hormone imbalance every woman over 50 is going to go through naturally.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of menopause are not just emotional or physiologically uncomfortable. They can also be physically seen in your body, with stubborn fat around the belly.

But the NavaRX medical weight loss program, combined with BRHT therapy, can help you deal with the problem safely and effectively.

3 Your gut health

You’ll be surprised to know how much your gut affects your health. Basically, your immune system lives in your gut microbiome, influencing your overall health!

But it’s not only your immune system that’s connected to your gut.

More and more research is coming out that suggests a strong link between gut health and weight. That’s because the microorganisms in your gut affect how your body absorbs food. As a result, a healthy gut directly influences your body weight.

Is the NavaRX Plan For Me?

Now that you know everything about our comprehensive medical weight loss program, you may already know if you’d benefit.

But to help you a bit, you’re a good candidate if you say yes to the following questions:

  • Are you looking for a personalized medical weight loss program?
  • Are you stuck in the yo-yo effect of constantly losing and gaining weight?
  • Do you want to lose 15 pounds or more?
  • Are you disciplined about following diets and exercises, but nothing really works for you?
  • Do you need guidelines and help with accountability?

If that’s you, schedule a consultation with a Nava board-certified nutritionist today and start the transformation your body – and health – needs.

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Article Name
NavaRX Medical Weight Loss Program – Is It For Me?
Find out about our NavaRX comprehensive weight loss program during which we identify the root cause of you being overweight and customize the plan for you!