New Years Resolutions: Stay On Track

New Years Resolutions
Medically Reviewed
January 10, 2015

New Years Resolutions: Top Ways To Stay On Track

Only one in four Americans achieve their resolutions, despite the fact that close to half start the year with them. (See my previous post on the top 4 reasons why we can’t keep our resolutions here). That is why today we will be showing you the top 10 ways to stay on track with your New Years Resolutions.

But moving towards real positive change is essential for people to create the well-being they desire and deserve in their lives.

The concerns are still the same—How can I stay on track with my goals? What can I do to make sure I’m successful come next January?—but the approach is changing. It’s becoming more holistic, more about overall wellness for the entire body, for now and in the future.

Top 10 Strategies to Stay on Track with Resolutions:

  1. One Goal at a Time – If losing 30 pounds is the most important goal then choose that as the only focus until it’s achieved. Other goals can be added on later, but for now let this be where 100% of Resolution energy is focused.
  2. Be Clear on Success – Is it just losing weight that is important or being healthier and having more energy overall? Success will be measured in a number of ways—pounds lost, miles run, energy levels, overall happiness—and all of them should be part of the success report card, not just the number on the scale.
  3. Small Steps – Smaller goals that are more easily attainable can serve as ideal stepping stones towards a bigger goal and are essential for long-term success. They can even be as small as singular daily goals. It’s about changing behavior little by little to drive a new lifestyle. When people take on too much, they can be easily overwhelmed and give up.
  4. Reward, Reward, Reward – Your brain loves rewards! And people need to give their brains a rest during the change process too. As small but important goals are achieved, they should be celebrated. These celebrations can be anything—a luxurious bubble bath, visiting a friend, a creative activity—whatever is personally rewarding but doesn’t take away from the goal.
  5. Repeat to Create New Habits – Small new habits grow into big habits over time. Change takes time. By putting in the effort to repeat small habits that support the overall goal at hand, people can set themselves up for long-term success.
  6. Buddy Up – Having a shared goal with a friend increases the probability of achieving it. An accountability partner helps people get out of bed on those cold mornings, encourages them through hard times, and is there to celebrate when success is reached.
  7. Create a Joy List – What brings you joy? When working on changing habits it is so important to balance the challenge of change with the addition of joy in the journey. Add the things that make you smile into your weekly or daily routines. When we feel joy, we release dopamine into our bodies, which helps curb hunger and aids in weight loss.
  8. Rally Your Resources – Consider all personal resources available. Create a team of supporters with a friend, a spouse, a nutritionist, and a life coach, who are cheerleaders and not only rooting for your success but also vested in it. A happier, healthier person has a halo effect on everyone around them!
  9. Keep a Gratitude Journal – When people are working hard on change, they can lose track of the little things that are going well. Each day, write down what has gone well and what you are grateful for. Positive psychology experts have shown that expressing gratitude can build stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, minimize loneliness, and build joy, optimism, and happiness—all essential qualities in achieving goals.
  10. Picture Perfect – Create a vision board that illustrates the new version of you one year from today. How are you happier? How are you healthier? What positive changes have occurred? Post to board somewhere that’s visible to you every day.

Questions? Contact us today.