What are the Signs Perimenopause is Ending?

woman gazing into the distance to illustrate signs perimenopause is ending
Medically Reviewed
October 24, 2022

If your night sweats, mood swings, nausea, and all the other symptoms of “the perimenopause age” have gone on for a few years, it’s not surprising you’re asking: What are the signs perimenopause is ending? You’ve probably decided enough is enough. Roll on menopause!

The good news is that all female milestones are preceded by a transition stage when your body naturally prepares you for the changes. You can use this to your advantage.

That’s because perimenopause is the transition that tells you your reproductive years will soon be over – that you’ll experience menopause one day. It can be both helpful and hopeful to keep track of what’s happening in your body – accepting it rather than fighting it.

So, keep reading to understand the signs of the end of perimenopause and how to improve your quality of life during this transitional moment to menopause.

But first things first.

What are Perimenopause and Menopause?

Menopause happens when you haven’t had a period for 12 months, marking the end of your fertility. Your body stops producing and releasing eggs, causing your menstruation to halt completely, along with a decrease in some essential hormones in your body, such as estrogen.

But that doesn’t happen overnight. The first stage towards  menopause is called perimenopause and may last from 4 to 10 years.

An essential difference between these two stages is that you can still naturally conceive during perimenopause (despite skipping some cycles). This is no longer possible in menopause.

The perimenopause transition to full menopause is marked by almost constant hormonal fluctuation and changes in your menstrual cycle until it finally stops for good at menopause.

For this reason, it’s not always possible to be sure of the signs perimenopause is ending, but tracking what’s happening in your body helps you work it out to some extent.

How Long Does Perimenopause Last?

Just like puberty, the exact age for perimenopause is unique according to biological, genetic, and lifestyle factors such as smoking. Likewise, there’s no set length of time it lasts. This is another reason why tracking the signs that perimenopause is ending can be tricky!

The average age for that specific moment when you haven’t had a period for one year (i.e., menopause) is 51, but some women may suffer from

  • premature menopause in their 20s,
  • early menopause in their 40s, or
  • late-onset menopause after 55.

Perimenopause is defined as the time when the hormonal and physical changes begin. You can think of it like a process you go through, with early stages, middle stages, and then some signs of perimenopause ending.

Signs of End of Perimenopause 

A quick recap here. Usually, when you reach your mid-40s, the lower production of estrogen and testosterone starts taking its toll on your overall wellbeing. That’s when perimenopause shows its first signs, which may include:

  • less frequent menstruation
  • heavier or lighter periods than your usual ones
  • hot flashes and night sweats
  • headaches
  • mood swings
  • nausea
  • weight gain
  • breast reduction and tenderness
  • changes in hair color, texture, and volume
  • occasional urinary incontinence
  • excessive tiredness

These symptoms also vary, and some women may even skip them all (which is not necessarily good news because they can become stronger later on).

But the general rule is that symptoms are lighter in the early stage of perimenopause, with the first irregularities in your period’s length and menstrual flow.

During these first years, you may also find that you don’t menstruate some months or have a very short cycle.

You experience various changes up and down the spectrum of symptoms during the middle stages of perimenopause as the years pass.

The late stage of perimenopause announces the last years before menopause itself. It usually happens in your late 40s or early 50s and is marked by a significant drop in estrogen production, leading to the most typical symptoms of menopause, like vaginal dryness and hot flashes.

So, if you’ve spent more than 60 days without having a period and started experiencing more of the typical symptoms described above, you’re likely getting closer to menopause.

However, this stage can also be tricky to read if you’re taking a contraceptive pill because they can affect your periods in different ways.

Late Perimenopause Signs and Symptoms:

  • less frequent headaches (which are pretty common in the early stage)
  • more stable mood (estrogen may be low, but it doesn’t fluctuate anymore)
  • more hot flashes
  • Insomnia (due to night sweats, anxiety, and hot flashes, which can get worse for a while)

Is it Really Perimenopause, or Could it Be Something Else?

If you’re going through all those changes but are still not sure if they’re related to your approaching menopause, you could benefit from a doctor’s diagnosis, as some of these symptoms may also be linked to other health conditions caused by a malfunction of:

  • thyroid
  • blood lipids
  • liver
  • kidney

Your doctor can analyze your symptoms, medical history, and menstrual information to determine if you’re in perimenopause. In addition, they may also ask for some blood tests, including the PicoAMH Elisa, an FDA-approved diagnostic test that helps to determine if a woman has entered menopause or is getting close to it.

Signs of Menopause Ending

Even though some women may experience more symptoms than others (and some may last longer than others), learning to identify the signs of perimenopause, and its progress, will help you best live with it and prepare yourself for menopause.

Once you know what to expect, you’ll also know precisely

  • when to look for help to relieve symptoms and
  • when you’ll no longer be able to conceive naturally – a crucial difference between perimenopause and menopause.

It’s not easy to go through the inevitable hormonal roller coaster called perimenopause with all the physical changes, anxiety, and uncertainties that come with it. But with the proper diagnosis – and some BHRT if appropriate – you can live well with them and learn how to accept your coming menopause as a natural part of your life.

Perimenopause Relief with Nava Health

At Nava Health, we’re committed to improving our clients’ quality of life. We understand that living with constant hot flashes, nausea, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and low libido is no fun. And we understand you’d like to know the signs of end of perimenopause!

But you don’t have to accept the symptoms without taking action.

We can help you cope with perimenopause and menopause symptoms and work together to adjust your lifestyle and provide the best treatment to relieve the discomfort so you can live your life to its full potential during these years.

Schedule your consultation today and embrace every stage of your life.

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A Medical Director, and one of the first physicians to join the Nava Health & Vitality Center, Dr. Douglas Lord has made significant contributions to our Center and its founding principles. Dr. Lord has helped develop and implement the Nava Method™—Nava’s proprietary approach to total body wellness. He has also been instrumental in liaising with other expert practitioners to successfully implement Nava’s range of therapies, treatments, and products.

Article Name
What are the Signs Perimenopause is Ending?
Had enough of tiresome symptoms? Trace the stages of transition towards menopause to learn possible signs perimenopause is ending.